UP Diliman ROTC joins the Philippine Army Anniversary recruitment caravan

Celebrating its 125th year anniversary since its establishment, the Philippine Army held a two-day recruitment caravan at Headquarters Philippine Army Grandstand, Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila last March 12 to 13, 2022.

The event aimed to engage aspiring soldiers through recruitment and setting up booths and static displays by the different major units of the Philippine Army. This is to orient more people about the various functions of these units. Moreover, a separate booth was dedicated to the Philippine Army Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Reservist and Retiree Affairs (OG9, PA) to hold the Reserve Component Caravan in which the University of the Philippines Diliman Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (UPD ROTC) had the chance to take part.

The booth had an information drive about the requirements, qualifications, and opportunities of being a reservist. The UPD ROTC cadet officers also took part in sharing the benefits of being an ROTC cadet and a reservist while showcasing the rich history and components of the unit.

The UPD ROTC Unit would like to thank the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Reservist and Retiree Affairs (OG9, PA) and the Army Reserve Command (ARESCOM) for this enriching opportunity.